Builtin Extensions


This extension adds ANSI color support for prompts. It adds a new <color> tag which can be used to define ANSI colors and styles. Colors are defined using CSS color names. This tag has the following attributes:

  • fg: Foreground color

  • bg: Background color

  • style: A list of space-separated styles to apply to the text:

    • bold

    • faint

    • italic

    • underline

    • blink

    • blink2

    • negative

    • concealed

    • crossed


dish.config['PS1'] = '<color bg="blue" style="italic bold">This is some text</color> <color fg="green">$</color> '


This extension adds system-related values that you can insert into your prompt. These are the tags that it defins:


Returns the current working directory.

<duration round="..."/>

Returns the amount of seconds it took for the previous command to run. The round attribute specfies the ammount of decimal places to round. If round is not specified, the default value, which is 0.


Returns the active Git branch.

<platform name="..."/>

Returns something from the platform module. For example, <platform name="node"/> returns the value of platform.node().

<time format="..."/>

Returns the current time formatted using time.strftime(). For example, <time format="%p"/> returns am or pm.


Returns the installed version of Dish.

These are the prompt predicates that it defins:


Returns True if the current working directory is in a Git repository.

Changed in version 0.1: Git-related stuff now works with subdirectories in a repository.