
Dish is very easy to configure. To set a configuration value, you simply just do this, where dish is a Dish object:

dish.config['NAME'] = 'value'

Registering Extensions

Extensions can do many things in Dish, such as adding new XML tags that can be used in PS1. This is how you register an extension:

import my_extension

Some extensions have additional parameters you can pass to the register_exetnsion method.

Configuring the Prompt String

The PS1 string is configured like this:

dish.config['PS1'] = '$ '

Special styles and values are inserted using XML tags. Dish comes with a built-in extension called ansicolor, which allows you to use ANSI colors in your prompt by using CSS color names. Here is an example:

from dish.ext import ansicolor
dish.config['PS1'] = '<color fg="green">$</color> '


Due to a bug in prompt_toolkit, some color names do not work and will cause a ValueError.

There is also a feature called prompt predicates. This allows you to only display part of a prompt if a certain condition is met. For example, the prompt_goodies extension has one called “git” that returns true if you are currently in a Git repository. Here is an example of how to use it:

dish.config['PS1'] = '<if_git>We\'re in a Git repository </if_git> $ '